- About 30% matter in Sanatan’s Texts on Spirituality is from other Texts; 20% is subtle knowledge obtained by seekers from God and 50% is that which Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Jayant Athavale has been inspired with due to the blessings of His Guru.
- Scientific answers to why’s and how’s in Spirituality.
- Knowledge is presented in a scientific language (such as charts, percentages) that can be easily understood.
- Includes research conducted with scientific instruments, literature and pictures that depict the process taking place at the subtle level.
- Not only theoretical analysis on spiritual practice, but guidance on how to practically perform spiritual practice.
- Teach spiritual practice appropriate for God-realisation.
- Comparative analysis of various Paths of spiritual practice to help understand Spirituality.
English Texts
Uniqueness of Sanatan’s Chaitanya-enriched Treasure of Texts

Sanatan’s Treasure of Texts for the emancipation of mankind

Shrichitshakti (Mrs) Anjali Mukul Gadgil
Literature that emphasise the Principle that Spirituality is the only science which is eternal in todays scientific world.
Analysis that removes the covering of ego around the intellect of rationalists and takes them towards Bliss.
Guidance on how to progress in material and spiritual life through the study of Spirituality and for the world to be happy, peaceful and content.
Due to the sattvik thoughts in Sanatan’s Texts, the environment gets enriched with Brahmatej and Kshatratej.
Since every word in the Texts is taken to be the Principle of God, their creation in a way has taken place in the presence of God.
Literature which provides spiritual experiences of Chaitanya, Anand and Shanti from the knowledge.
Dear Readers ! Read each Text after a prayer with spiritual emotion, so that the underlying science is understood easily. This will awaken divinity in you and you will not have any difficulty in understanding it.
– Shrichitshakti (Mrs) Anjali Mukul Gadgil
Sanatan’s Text that have been created with God’s resolve and emancipate mankind

H.H. Ramanand Gowda
One who provides knowledge is a Guru. On reading Sanatan’s Text, I experienced that the Text itself is the Guru.
Texts compiled by Jnan Guru Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale are also Treasures of knowledge.
Spiritual Texts such as Shrimadbhagwadgeeta, Mahabharat have been created from the Divine voice, hence, they are enriched with Chaitanya. Sanatan’s Texts have also been created with God’s resolve. Hence, these Texts, which are the Vedas of Kaliyug, are a source of Chaitanya.
Due to Sanatan’s Chaitanya-enriched Treasure, sattvikata is created in any premises and helps in purifying it.
By practicing the guidance provided in Sanatan’s Texts on spiritual practice, the reader can become a seeker, a good seeker, disciple and a Saint step-by-step. In this manner, Sanatan’s Texts emancipate mankind.
– H.H. Ramanand Gowda, Dharmapracharak, Sanatan Sanstha, Karnataka. (2.9.2021)

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Request to Readers
If you have any exceptional spiritual experience after reading Sanatan’s Texts, please write in to us for our study and learning – Granth Section, 24/B, Sanatan Ashram, Ramnathi, Bandora, Ponda, Goa, India – 403 401 or E-mail : [email protected]