Ayurvedic and Spiritual perspectives on Diet

110 99

Also available in: Marathi

Ayurveda emphasises that one should never criticize food and should eat it with respect by giving due attention to its taste and aroma. Our life activities as well as our energy, strength, intelligence, memory, lustre of the skin etc. depend on food. It is important to maintain the body strong & healthy by consuming an appropriate diet so that one can enjoy the worldly pleasures by following the rules of Dharma (Righteousness) and undertake spiritual practice to attain Moksha (Final Liberation), which is the state of eternal Bliss. As food helps one attain eternal Bliss, food itself is considered to be ‘Brahma’. This book will prove useful to everyone including students and physicians. By studying and following the guidelines given in this book, everyone can enjoy a long, healthy, fruitful and happy life.

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Ayurvedic and Spiritual perspectives on Diet

110 99

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