Weight | 0.120 kg |
ISBN | 978-93-91069-25-4 |
No of Pages | 92 |
Language | English |
Compilers | Parātpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Balaji Athavale, Shrichitshakti (Mrs) Anjali Gadgil, Ms Priyanka Lotlikar and others |
Group | 2678 |
How to cast off the evil-eye with mustard seeds, coconut, etc ?
₹115 ₹104
Also available in: Hindi , Marathi
Squabbles within family members, physical ailments, financial difficulties, getting bad dreams, depression and addiction to smoking, drinking etc. are fairly common problems today. Though, it would appear that 80% of our problems are due to gross reasons, the actual reason is subtle. An individual is said to be ‘affected by an evil eye’, when he suffers from distressing vibrations. ‘Casting off the evil eye’ is an effective spiritual remedy to alleviate these problems.

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Rashmi –
A necessity in today’s times. Many a times simple methods given in this book can save ones life from big problems.